Saturday, July 1, 2023

Fabio R. Mafficioli del Castelleto: Photography 1984 - 2020

"The photography of these desolate landscapes by Fabio Mafficioli del Castelletto suggests no room for presence, except for some small animals that occasionally buzz by. You as a spectator and a sad piece of land is what you long for, isn't it? Perhaps its explainable, that this desire exists because of an intrinsic feeling that when we behold deserted land, we can get to our own personal private grief. This feeling does not need to be explained in words, because it can only manifest itself privately: something of which you are aware off and which the landscape does not pass judgment on. Perhaps that's why it evokes a masochistic form of bliss, because it can only be understood by the lonely land: a mirror image of your inner world." (P.P.O.)

Drie en veertig foto's en essays door Anthony Blokdijk, P.P.O. en Paul (Baserman) van der Neely. Teksten in het Engels met Nederlandse vertaling.
Hardcover, 20 x 20 cm, kleur, 108 pagina's. Prijs Eu 19,66 excl. verzendkosten. Boekontwerp: Tobias Lengkeek.
Bestellen en info: anthonyblokdijk [at] hotmail dot com

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